Sunday, June 22, 2008

We made a few new friends at Disneyland. Bus the Pirate and his captain! Of course we ate at the Blue Bayou and waited to sit by the water! Mickey and I are old friends but I promised Jesalynn, Aly, and Emma that I would get his picture.
No we will never outgrow Disneyland but it's just not as easy as it use to be. We don't run from ride to ride anymore, take in more shows, and just enjoy the atmosphere! We still want an apartment on Main Street.


Lewieville said...

Looks like you had tons of fun! I can't wait to see more. I will show Lynnie in the morning. I have to admit I am still a little angry you didn't fly us down! :(

The Fairfield Family of Nevada said...

You look like you had a wonderful time! I guess the best way to start out this new part of your life (sans kids) is to take a 2nd honeymoon where you had the first!

Crazy Teels said...

I'm still waiting for my tickets. I think they got lost in the mail.

Bad Mama & Papa said...

Kelli, I think your puppy ate them!!!! You really should train him better. Look at what you missed out on.